Key Dates

Tasks Date
Closing date for abstract submission 30 May 2024
Notification of acceptance/rejection to author 15 June 2024
Full paper or extended abstract submission due 30 August 2024
Full paper review report to author 15 September, 2024
Final paper or extended abstract due 10 October, 2024
Early bird registration opens 12 March, 2024
Early bird registration closes 15 October 2024
Conference date 20-23 November, 2024

Conference Host

Western Sydney University


The Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS), Quebec, Canada
The University of Naples, Italy
Khulna University of Engineering and Technology (KUET), Bangladesh
Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Australia
Fuzhou University, China
Shenzhen University, China

co hosts co hosts co hosts

Conference Management by

GCSTMR, Sydney, Australia

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